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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Biology, Ecology|Engineering, Agricultural|Water Resource Management":


Lüderitz, Volker. „Towards sustainable water resources management“. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 15, Nr. 1 (01.02.2004): 17–24.

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The European Water Framework Directive is the basis of sustainable water resources management in the European Union. The required “good status” of waterbodies can be achieved only by encouraging the application of natural renewable‐energy‐driven ecological engineering. Ecotechnological methods in wastewater treatment (e.g. constructed wetlands) can remove more than 90 per cent of total N and P, and organic load. These methods also save up to 80 per cent of the cost and energy compared with central technical systems. Because ecomorphology in around 80 per cent of German streams and rivers is disturbed to a high degree, increased efforts for renaturalization are necessary. Successful control concerning first initiated measures shows that improvement of stream morphology has a remarkable positive influence on water ecology.

JEFFREY, PAUL, und BRIAN S. MCINTOSH. „Description, diagnosis, prescription: a critique of the application of co-evolutionary models to natural resource management“. Environmental Conservation 33, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2006): 281–93.

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To support moves towards more sustainable modes of natural resource management, the research community has been engaged in an evaluation of paradigms, theories and methods which might provide useful and usable insights into such a complex problem set. A particularly influential family of theoretical models concerned with the processes and dynamics of species evolution has been adopted from the fields of biology and ecology. This paper scrutinizes the relevance of biological evolutionary theory to sustainable natural resource management beyond identification of the core analogy, namely that both natural resource management and ecological systems are characterized by multiple interacting elements requiring systemic interpretation. A review of the workings of co-evolutionary theory within its intellectual homeland of biology and ecology leads to a critical evaluation of its use as a descriptive model outside of these domains. Findings from this assessment identify a number of fractures in meaning as the co-evolutionary model is transferred between disciplinary fields, suggesting that the transposition has been conducted without sufficient rigour or consistency. A measured reinterpretation of the applicability of the co-evolutionary model to natural resources management is thereby undertaken. Using water management as a context, the paper posits a series of phenomena which might provide a focus for the application of the co-evolutionary model outside of biology and ecology. In conclusion, the paper argues that the research community needs to move beyond a consideration of the complex implications of co-evolutionary processes to the establishment of a firm, process-based definition of co-evolution as a type of change.

Altieri, Miguel A., und Charles A. Francis. „Incorporating agroecology into the conventional agricultural curriculum“. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 7, Nr. 1-2 (Juni 1992): 89–93.

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AbstractAgroecology is the development and application of ecological theory to the management of agricultural systems, according to the specific land and other resources available. Beyond the biological and climatic dimensions of agriculture and ecology, there is growing appreciation of the influence of social, economic, and political factors on the structure and success of farming systems. This broader field is becoming known as “agroecology and sustainable development.” Expansion of the conventional curriculum to include integrative themes is essential because of the need for students to appreciate a whole farm focus for analysis, to understand the impact of socio-economic factors, and to further develop their abilities to link people and environment. Two courses are proposed and described in detail “Biology of Agroecosystems” includes study of system structure and function, cycles and interactions among components, system development and performance, and the importance of resource conservation and use. “Agroecology and Sustainable Agricultural Development” includes a survey of systems around the world, an evaluation of resources and their use, the environmental impact of agriculture, the relationships between society and agriculture, the applications of agroecology to rural development, and some projections of alternative future strategies for food production. Future agricultural professionals need to understand how improvement of agroecosystems is closely linked to economic, cultural, and political systems, and how they are both enhanced and constrained by factors beyond biology and climate.

Latch, Emily K., und Jamie A. Ivy. „Meshing molecules and management: a new era for natural resource conservation“. Biology Letters 5, Nr. 1 (25.11.2008): 3–4.

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A symposium entitled ‘Applied Ecological Genetics: Molecular Approaches in Natural Resource Conservation’ was held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana from 5 to 8 October 2008. The purpose of the symposium was to bring together researchers from disparate fields of molecular ecology, evolutionary biology and genomics to address ways to apply research in ecological genetics to relevant questions in conservation and management. Symposium speakers presented ongoing research in characterizing the wealth of biodiversity on the planet, understanding the fundamental evolutionary processes influencing species over time and space, and predicting responses of species and entire ecosystems to environmental change. Recent advances in these areas have had a profound impact on conservation and management, and have helped to secure the future of our natural resources.

Aleixandre-Tudó, J. L., L. Castelló-Cogollos, J. L. Aleixandre und R. Aleixandre-Benavent. „Emerging topics in scientific research on global water-use efficiency“. Journal of Agricultural Science 157, Nr. 6 (August 2019): 480–92.

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AbstractA bibliometric analysis of research articles published on water-use efficiency was performed using the Web of Science database and evaluated. Journal titles, publication years, subject categories, keywords and countries publishing were obtained. A number of 2077 papers were retrieved, two-thirds of them published in the last decade. The articles were published in 439 journals, with Agricultural Water Management, Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Field Crops Research and Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences the most productive. Most of the leading productive journals have Impact Factors in the top quartiles of the Journal Citation Reports. Agronomy, Plant Sciences, Water Resources and Agriculture Multidisciplinary were the most common journal subject categories, indicating a wide diversity of research fields ascribed to this topic. The predominant key words and phrases used were growth, ‘carbon isotope discrimination’, yield, photosynthesis, ‘gas exchange’, evapotranspiration and ‘stomatal conductance’. The productivity ranking for countries was headed by China (456 papers), followed by the USA (410), Australia (176) and India (165). A content analysis of the papers made identification of the key issues of greatest scientific concern possible, as well as their evolution over time. The most cited papers relate to physiological aspects, but also important studies on experimental biology, drought resistance, effects of climate, crop production and ecology, among others.

Wilson, David J., und Ronald L. Droste. „Design Considerations for Watershed Management Decision Support Systems“. Water Quality Research Journal 35, Nr. 2 (01.05.2000): 163–88.

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Abstract Increasing attention is being paid to the management of water resources on a watershed basis, necessitating a cross-disciplinary approach to data collection and analysis. Traditional assessments of water quality and quantity are being joined by assessments of biology, botany, geomorphology, and anthropological subjects such as economic valuation. This integrated problem domain calls for a reassessment of the information technology tools designed to support the management process. With a comprehensive requirements analysis pulled from a survey of water resource practitioners, the functions necessary for design of a contemporary watershed management decision support system (WMDSS) are outlined and assessed in light of current tools in use today. Following a systems engineering methodology, the WMDSS requirements are analyzed and ranked in order of priority. This yields a ranking for development of tool and information functional groups to support the following assessment types: surface water quality, surface levels and flows, integration, groundwater flows/levels, rainfall/runoff modelling and time series analysis. Functional analysis then provides the architecture and data flows necessary to meet system requirements. The WMDSS functional analysis is concluded with a recommended architecture for design of such a system. This sets the foundation for follow-on work in production and validation of the system.

Hvingel, Carsten, Bernard Sainte-Marie und Gordon H. Kruse. „Cold-water shellfish as harvestable resources and important ecosystem players“. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78, Nr. 2 (07.02.2021): 479–90.

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Abstract The symposium, Shellfish—Resources and Invaders of the North, took place 5–7 November 2019 in Tromsø, Norway. Approximately 110 participants presented and discussed 60 talks and 25 posters. Of these, ten articles are published in this symposium issue. The goal of this symposium was to discuss the role of shellfish, both as harvestable resources and as important ecosystem players in northern hemisphere cold marine environments. To provide perspective for the symposium, the development of four major crustacean fisheries (northern shrimp, snow crab, Homarus, Norway lobster) are reviewed. Our review showed that landings of all these fisheries are still in a state of flux due to inherent population dynamics, fishing, and climate change. The talks and posters covered a broad range of state-of-the-art bioecological knowledge and present challenges in the assessment and management of the most ecologically and/or commercially important cold-water shellfish species belonging to the phyla Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Echinodermata. Various alternative harvesting and management techniques were presented along with perspectives for shellfish aquaculture. Methods and models for stock assessment were thoroughly covered as well as the ecological role of shellfish, their population dynamics, new insights into their biology and genetics, and their changing distribution and significance as invasive species.

Tosi, Micaela, Eduardo Kovalski Mitter, Jonathan Gaiero und Kari Dunfield. „It takes three to tango: the importance of microbes, host plant, and soil management to elucidate manipulation strategies for the plant microbiome“. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 66, Nr. 7 (Juli 2020): 413–33.

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The world’s population is expected to grow to almost 10 billion by 2050, placing unprecedented demands on agriculture and natural resources. The risk in food security is also aggravated by climate change and land degradation, which compromise agricultural productivity. In recent years, our understanding of the role of microbial communities on ecosystem functioning, including plant-associated microbes, has advanced considerably. Yet, translating this knowledge into practical agricultural technologies is challenged by the intrinsic complexity of agroecosystems. Here, we review current strategies for plant microbiome manipulation, classifying them into three main pillars: (i) introducing and engineering microbiomes, (ii) breeding and engineering the host plant, and (iii) selecting agricultural practices that enhance resident soil and plant-associated microbial communities. In each of these areas, we analyze current trends in research, as well as research priorities and future perspectives.

Bro-Jørgensen, Jakob, Daniel W. Franks und Kristine Meise. „Linking behaviour to dynamics of populations and communities: application of novel approaches in behavioural ecology to conservation“. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374, Nr. 1781 (29.07.2019): 20190008.

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The impact of environmental change on the reproduction and survival of wildlife is often behaviourally mediated, placing behavioural ecology in a central position to quantify population- and community-level consequences of anthropogenic threats to biodiversity. This theme issue demonstrates how recent conceptual and methodological advances in the discipline are applied to inform conservation. The issue highlights how the focus in behavioural ecology on understanding variation in behaviour between individuals, rather than just measuring the population mean, is critical to explaining demographic stochasticity and thereby reducing fuzziness of population models. The contributions also show the importance of knowing the mechanisms by which behaviour is achieved, i.e. the role of learning, reasoning and instincts, in order to understand how behaviours change in human-modified environments, where their function is less likely to be adaptive. More recent work has thus abandoned the ‘adaptationist’ paradigm of early behavioural ecology and increasingly measures evolutionary processes directly by quantifying selection gradients and phenotypic plasticity. To support quantitative predictions at the population and community levels, a rich arsenal of modelling techniques has developed, and interdisciplinary approaches show promising prospects for predicting the effectiveness of alternative management options, with the social sciences, movement ecology and epidemiology particularly pertinent. The theme issue furthermore explores the relevance of behaviour for global threat assessment, and practical advice is given as to how behavioural ecologists can augment their conservation impact by carefully selecting and promoting their study systems, and increasing their engagement with local communities, natural resource managers and policy-makers. Its aim to uncover the nuts and bolts of how natural systems work positions behavioural ecology squarely in the heart of conservation biology, where its perspective offers an all-important complement to more descriptive ‘big-picture’ approaches to priority setting. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Linking behaviour to dynamics of populations and communities: application of novel approaches in behavioural ecology to conservation’.

Tamburello, Natascia, Brian O. Ma und Isabelle M. Côté. „From individual movement behaviour to landscape-scale invasion dynamics and management: a case study of lionfish metapopulations“. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374, Nr. 1781 (29.07.2019): 20180057.

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Modelling the dynamics of small, interconnected populations, or metapopulations, can help pinpoint habitat patches that are critical for population persistence in patchy habitats. For conservation purposes, these patches are typically earmarked for protection, but for invasive species management, these patches could be targeted to hasten the populations' demise. Here, we show how metapopulation modelling, coupled with an understanding of size-dependent dispersal behaviour, can be used to help optimize the distribution of limited resources for culling specific populations of invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish ( Pterois volitans ) in the western Atlantic. Through simulation using fitted model parameters, we derive three insights that can inform management. First, culling lionfish from target patches reduces the probability of lionfish occupancy at surrounding patches. Second, this effect depends on patch size and connectivity, but is strongest at the local scale and decays with distance. Finally, size-dependent dispersal in lionfish means that size-selective culling can change both a population's size distribution and dispersal potential, with cascading effects on network connectivity, population dynamics and management outcomes. By explicitly considering seascape structure and movement behaviour when allocating effort to the management of invasive species, managers can optimize resource use to improve management outcomes. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Linking behaviour to dynamics of populations and communities: application of novel approaches in behavioural ecology to conservation’.

Dissertationen zum Thema "Biology, Ecology|Engineering, Agricultural|Water Resource Management":


Littlejohn, Alex. „Nutrient mitigation capacity of low-grade weirs in agricultural drainage ditches“. Mississippi State University, 2013.

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Hartung, Erik Walter. „Aging bioretention cells: Do they still function to improve water quality?“ Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2017.

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Paull, Rachel May. „Evaluating the Role of Biotic and Abiotic Ecosystem Components on the Retention and Removal of Ditch Nutrients in Ditches of Different Construction“. Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2020.

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Edwards, David D. „Real Exposure: Field Measurement of Chemical Plumes in Headwater Streams“. Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Burnett, Danielle Lee. „Determining the relative influence of mental pollutants in Newport and Laguna beach seawater on the Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) populations of Crystal Cove State Park by analysis of sieve sap metals“. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2014.

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Dancy, Lynn M. „Targeting Wetland Preservation Areas for Compensatory Mitigation Utilizing a GIS Protocol“. W&M ScholarWorks, 1997.

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Lunsford, Tami L. „Comparison of the Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in Two Coastal Systems: Hog Island Bay, VA (USA) and Plum Island Sound, MA (USA)“. W&M ScholarWorks, 2002.

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Roggero, Molly Mitchell. „Ecosystem Gas Exchange in Natural and Created Tidal Salt Marshes of Tidewater, Virginia“. W&M ScholarWorks, 2003.

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Hauser, Christian A. „Net Microbial Activity, Vegetation Dynamics, and Ecosystem Function in Created and Natural Palustrine Forested Wetlands in Southeastern Virginia, USA“. W&M ScholarWorks, 2011.

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Kreisel, Sara Elizabeth. „Assessing the Functional Status of Created Wetlands in Eastern Virginia Via a Soil and Vegetative Developmental Trajectory“. W&M ScholarWorks, 2010.

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Bücher zum Thema "Biology, Ecology|Engineering, Agricultural|Water Resource Management":


Boyd, Claude E. Water quality and pond soil analysis for aquaculture. Auburn, Ala: Auburn University, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.

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World Bank. Migratory Fishes of South America: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation Status. Washington, D.C: The World Bank, 2004.

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van Eeten, Michel J. G., und Emery Roe. Ecology, Engineering, and Management. Oxford University Press, 2002.

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Ecology, Engineering, and the Paradox of Management is the first book that addresses and reconciles what many take to be the core paradox facing environmental decision-makers and stakeholders: How do they restore the environment while at the same time provide ever more services reliably from that environment, including clean air, water and energy for more and more people? The book provides a conceptual framework, empirical case analyses, and organizational proposals to resolve the paradox, be it in the US, Europe, or elsewhere. Thus, Ecology, Engineering, and the Paradox of Management has multiple audiences. First are the key professions involved in the protection and improvement of ecosystems and in the provision and delivery of services from those ecosystems. These include ecologists (and other natural scientists such as conservation biologists, climatologists, forest scientists, and toxicologists), engineers (as well as hydrologists, environmental engineers, civil engineers, and line operators), modeling and gaming experts, managers, planners, and power, agriculture, and recreation communities. Another audience includes university researchers in ecology, conservation biology, engineering, the policy sciences, and resource management. Those interested in interdisciplinary approaches in these fields will also find the book especially helpful. Finally, those interested in the Everglades, the Columbia River Basin, San Francisco Bay-Delta, and the Green Heart of western Netherlands will find new insights here, as the book provides a detailed examination of the paradox in each of these cases.

Verhoeven, J. T. A. Wetlands and Natural Resource Management (Ecological Studies Book 190). Springer, 2006.

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Pusey, Brad, Mark Kennard und Angela Arthington. Freshwater Fishes of North-Eastern Australia. CSIRO Publishing, 2004.

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Freshwater Fishes of North-Eastern Australia provides details of the ecology, systematics, biogeography and management of 79 species of native fish present in the region. It includes detailed information on their identification, evolutionary history, breeding biology, feeding ecology, movement patterns, macro-, meso- and micro-habitat use, water quality tolerances, conservation status and current threats, as well as environmental flow and management needs. Based on the results of extensive field surveys and a comprehensive review of existing literature, it is designed to assist environmental practitioners and managers to make informed decisions about future management strategies. It will also encourage a greater research effort into the region’s aquatic fauna by providing a comprehensive resource that enables other researchers to adopt a more quantitative and strategic framework for their research. Joint winner of the 2005 Whitley Medal.

Tucker, Craig S., und Claude E. Boyd. Water Quality and Pond Soil Analyses for Aquaculture: June 1992. University of Alabama Press, 1993.

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Boon, Paul. The Hawkesbury River. CSIRO Publishing, 2017.

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The Hawkesbury River is the longest coastal river in New South Wales. A vital source of water and food, it has a long Aboriginal history and was critical for the survival of the early British colony at Sydney. The Hawkesbury’s weathered shores, cliffs and fertile plains have inspired generations of artists. It is surrounded by an unparalleled mosaic of national parks, including the second-oldest national park in Australia, Ku-ring-gai National Park. Although it lies only 35 km north of Sydney, to many today the Hawkesbury is a ‘hidden river’ – its historical and natural significance not understood or appreciated. Until now, the Hawkesbury has lacked an up-to-date and comprehensive book describing how and when the river formed, how it functions ecologically, how it has influenced humans and their patterns of settlement and, in turn, how it has been affected by those settlements and their people. The Hawkesbury River: A Social and Natural History fills this gap. With chapters on the geography, geology, hydrology and ecology of the river through to discussion of its use by Aboriginal and European people and its role in transport, defence and culture, this highly readable and richly illustrated book paints a picture of a landscape worthy of protection and conservation. It will be of value to those who live, visit or work in the region, those interested in Australian environmental history, and professionals in biology, natural resource management and education.

Buchteile zum Thema "Biology, Ecology|Engineering, Agricultural|Water Resource Management":


Randall, Nicola P., und Barbara Smith. „Conservation and Sustainable Management of Agroecosystems“. In The Biology of Agroecosystems, 126–43. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This chapter focuses on the role of farm management in biodiversity conservation (and the potential conflicts and synergies between them). It addresses the question of the relationship between productivity and biodiversity, and how this varies between spatial scale and agricultural system. Different methods of farm management for improved biodiversity and resource management on farmland are presented. The focus areas are reintroducing diversity, sustainable pest and nutrient management, and the role of alternative systems such as organic and biodynamic agriculture. Frameworks for regulating the biological impacts of agriculture (e.g. pesticide regulation, ecological engineering, and funding for conservation are also introduced. Other case studies may include organic farming systems, agroforestry systems, and perennial-based cropping systems, as well as the use of integrated pest management techniques.

Ibrahim, Mohamad Mokhtar, Zulkifly Jemaat und Abdurahman Hamid Nour. „Review on Microbial Analysis Tools in POME treatment“. In Handbook of Research on Resource Management for Pollution and Waste Treatment, 220–40. IGI Global, 2020.

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Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is one of the major sources of water pollution in Malaysia. POME is produced in large volumes by many palm oil mills and has acidic pH and high concentrations of COD, BOD, and suspended solids, which have adverse effect to the environment. Currently, the technology to treat POME is either physical, chemical, or biological. About 80% of palm oil mills treat their POME by using biological method. Recent studies have indicated that understanding the microbial community structure is of great importance to improve and control the biological treatment performance. Currently, the most popular molecular biology tools for microorganism community analysis are fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), cloning of 16S rDNA, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). This chapter aims to review the current and ongoing treatments of POME (mainly anaerobic, aerobic, physicochemical, and membrane separation) and discuss the potential of using the molecular biology techniques in POME treatment. The importance and effectiveness of the microbiology tools are also discussed. The ability to monitor microorganisms and understand their ecology is essential to effectively control the startup and operation of biological treatment system in treating POME and eventually producing effluent of acceptable quality.

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